Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.
Fast shipping
We ship from our small warehouse in Portland, Oregon, Monday through Friday. We're dedicated to shipping your order the following business day, but if that doesn't happen and you need the item fast, always email us.
Order tracking
It's magic! We'll send tracking information when your order has shipped. You're going to love it!
Get in touch
Don't be weird. If you have a question, just ask. We love a challenge, and we love to help. Fire away. Email: info@themariemarie.com
About us

Not Our First Rodeo
Nicole has been working in fragrance since the 1990s at department stores and with her own line of candles. She opened her first perfume store in 2008 in Seattle and then a satellite location as a shop-in-shop here in Portland. Nicole and Henry are perfumers on their own and distribute many of the brands sold at The Marie-Marie.

The Real Marie-Marie
Marie-Marie Tropicana Spider Aesoph is Nicole and Henry's French Bulldog and our store mascot. She is one year old, small for her breed, with a blocky head, a funny long body, and a pouty lower lip. She likes eating farm-fresh greens and can have up to eight blueberries a day. She also loves perfume. We hope you get to meet her soon.

We Love You Portland!!!
The Marie-Marie is dedicated to Downtown Portland. We got lucky and found this perfect little store already set up to be a perfume store, so we added a coat of paint, and we're here to stay. We can't wait to meet you all and can't wait for you to wear your new fragrances to the next wrestling match, naked bicycle ride, rose garden walk, or just to stay at home and binge-watch Battlestar Galactica for the third time.

The loneliest tree in the world...
The Azalai is a caravan route through the Ténéré region of the Saharan desert where camel trains have transported salt and gold for a thousand years. Along the route stood one single acacia tree, the only living thing in an ocean of sand. This was the most isolated tree in the world, 150 km from any other.
This acacia, known simply as The Tree of Ténéré, was the last surviving plant from a time when the desert was less parched than it is today, thanks to roots reaching deep down into a water pocket, an underground pool hidden more than 30 meters below the desert. It’s easy to see how the Tuareg caravan riders, themselves desert survival specialists, held the tree and its amazing fortitude in highest regard. Breaking its branches for firewood or letting the camels eat from the leaves were considered blasphemy.
This loneliest tree in the world was one of very few landmarks along the Azalai, a sacred testament to the resilience of life, that had guided caravans for centuries. In spite of this, and the fact that it was the only obstacle for miles around, a truck driver that had drunkenly fallen asleep behind the wheel crashed into it in 1973, and killed it.
Gold & Saffron
The scent is as an olfactory impression of gold, with radiant warmth from saffron and blood orange, and the glossy, luxurious musk velvione (a material that has been described as pressing the nose to the skin of a newborn’s scalp). Gum acacia, a syrup made from acacia sap, provides sugary sweetness balanced by salty amber and incense. A touch of mint tea and dried fruit pays homage to the Tuareg caravan riders.